Meeting Minutes 08-05-2018
Location: 5 Bean Coffee Shop
Time: 2:00 pm
Members Present: Tom Anderson, Jose Gomez, Leon Meyers, Norm Brusk
Action Items:
Crosswick Ct. Closing permit for the BBQ gathering - Norm
Food pick up from City BBQ - Tom Anderson
Chicken wings, hot dogs, ice and drinks - Jose Gomez
Tent set up will Sat 11 at noon
Meeting Minutes 01-28-2018
Location: Panera Bread at Taylor Road
Time: 2:00 pm
Members Present: James Beatty, Tom Anderson, Beth Anderson, Jose Gomez, Leon Meyers, Arley Owens
Action Items:
Discuss Response from Mr. Mathews to Madeline Lamp's letter to petition for a deed change.
No action needed as we have not seen any petition from Mr Mathews or the other parties
Discuss the suggestion from Madeline to seek approval from a majority of the residents to possibly modify the deeds restriction under a set of conditions The board agreed to reach out to residents after getting some additional information from Madeline. Also any compromise by the board and the majority resident will require a number of conditions including:
Change the HOA Chatter to be mandatory for all residents to participate. So they have a larger stake in all matters concerning our subdivision
Forming an architectural committee to oversee and approve any new structures.
Possibly to approve 1-2 units that will meet the looks and aesthetics of the subdivision
Restrict size, color and location of the unit
Seek partial compensation for the current shed owners to cover the cost of amending the deeds. Since they are not current members of the HOA
Make modification to exiting shed such a painting, etc to resemble the look of the home
Next meeting TBA in March